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Prefill fields

Prefill fields with config option

If you want to prefill fields with some static values, you can use the paymentFormPrefill config option.
This way you can prefill standard Tamaro fields as well as custom fields.

Prefill fields with URL query parameters

You can also prefill fields with URL query parameters.

This way you can prefill:

  • Tamaro predefined fields:
    • purpose
    • payment_type
    • recurring_interval
    • currency
    • amount
    • payment_method
    • stored_is_company_donation
    • stored_customer_company
    • stored_customer_salutation
    • stored_customer_firstname
    • stored_customer_lastname
    • stored_customer_raw_name
    • stored_customer_phone
    • stored_customer_email
    • stored_customer_birthdate
    • stored_customer_pan
    • stored_customer_fiscal_code
    • stored_customer_email_permission
    • stored_customer_message
    • stored_customer_donation_receipt
    • stored_customer_street
    • stored_customer_street_number
    • stored_customer_street2
    • stored_customer_pobox
    • stored_customer_zip_code
    • stored_customer_city
    • stored_customer_country
    • stored_customer_state
    • stored_customer_raw_address
    • stored_cover_transaction_fee
    • chqr_refno
    • creditor_reference
  • Your custom fields (with the names, which start with stored_ prefix):
    • stored_foo
    • stored_bar
    • stored_customer_foo
    • stored_customer_bar
    • etc.

You need to add rnw- prefix to the query parameter name, so it will look like this:

  • rnw-purpose
  • rnw-payment_type
  • rnw-recurring_interval
  • rnw-currency
  • rnw-amount
  • rnw-payment_method
  • rnw-stored_customer_salutation
  • rnw-stored_customer_firstname
  • rnw-stored_customer_lastname
  • rnw-stored_foo
  • rnw-stored_bar
  • rnw-stored_customer_foo
  • rnw-stored_customer_bar
  • etc.
