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Slots is a concept used in Tamaro that allows views to be extended with additional components. A slot is a placeholder that can be filled with an arbitrary component. Slots are identified by names.

Check out how you can debug slots here.

The list of available predefined slots:

  • start
  • end
  • blocks_start
  • blocks_end
  • credit_card_form_start
  • credit_card_form_end
  • purposes_start
  • purposes_end
  • amounts_start
  • amounts_end
  • currencies_start
  • currencies_end
  • recurring_intervals_start
  • recurring_intervals_end
  • dd_form_start
  • dd_form_before_iban
  • dd_form_after_iban
  • dd_form_before_bic
  • dd_form_after_bic
  • dd_form_end
  • elv_form_start
  • elv_form_before_iban
  • elv_form_after_iban
  • elv_form_end
  • sod_form_start
  • sod_form_before_iban
  • sod_form_after_iban
  • sod_form_before_bic
  • sod_form_after_bic
  • sod_form_end
  • sepa_dd_form_start
  • sepa_dd_form_before_iban
  • sepa_dd_form_after_iban
  • sepa_dd_form_before_bic
  • sepa_dd_form_after_bic
  • sepa_dd_form_end
  • chqr_form_start
  • chqr_form_before_chqr_ordered
  • chqr_form_after_chqr_ordered
  • chqr_form_end
  • post_finance_form_start
  • post_finance_form_end
  • net_form_start
  • net_form_before_netbanking_issuer_id
  • net_form_after_netbanking_issuer_id
  • net_form_end
  • profile_form_start
  • profile_form_before_is_company_donation
  • profile_form_after_is_company_donation
  • profile_form_before_company
  • profile_form_after_company
  • profile_form_before_salutation
  • profile_form_after_salutation
  • profile_form_before_firstname
  • profile_form_after_firstname
  • profile_form_before_lastname
  • profile_form_after_lastname
  • profile_form_before_raw_name
  • profile_form_after_raw_name
  • profile_form_before_phone
  • profile_form_after_phone
  • profile_form_before_email
  • profile_form_after_email
  • profile_form_before_birthdate
  • profile_form_after_birthdate
  • profile_form_before_pan
  • profile_form_after_pan
  • profile_form_before_fiscal_code
  • profile_form_after_fiscal_code
  • profile_form_before_email_permission
  • profile_form_after_email_permission
  • profile_form_before_message
  • profile_form_after_message
  • profile_form_before_donation_receipt
  • profile_form_after_donation_receipt
  • profile_form_end
  • address_form_start
  • address_form_before_street
  • address_form_after_street
  • address_form_before_street_number
  • address_form_after_street_number
  • address_form_before_street2
  • address_form_after_street2
  • address_form_before_pobox
  • address_form_after_pobox
  • address_form_before_zip_code
  • address_form_after_zip_code
  • address_form_before_city
  • address_form_after_city
  • address_form_before_country
  • address_form_after_country
  • address_form_before_state
  • address_form_after_state
  • address_form_before_raw_address
  • address_form_after_raw_address
  • address_form_end
  • cover_fee_start
  • cover_fee_end
  • transaction_info_start
  • transaction_info_1
  • transaction_info_2
  • transaction_info_end
  • subscription_info_start
  • subscription_info_1
  • subscription_info_2
  • subscription_info_end
  • epms_payment_info_start
  • epms_payment_info_1
  • epms_payment_info_2
  • epms_payment_info_end
  • epms_subscription_info_start
  • epms_subscription_info_1
  • epms_subscription_info_2
  • epms_subscription_info_end
  • subscription_cancel_start
  • subscription_cancel_end
  • subscription_cancelled_start
  • subscription_cancelled_end
  • faq_start
  • faq_end
  • subscription_payment_method_updated_start
  • subscription_payment_method_updated_end

There are some legacy slots that are still available for compatibility reasons, but they are not listed here because they are not recommended for new implementations. They are visible with debugSlots config option.

Besides predefined slots, you may create your own custom block slots. You can name them as you like (without spaces), but should use slot_ prefix.

See more details how to use slots to put dynamic components into them in the Dynamic components guide.