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Tamaro v2.7.x


If you are currently using an earlier version of Tamaro, request an upgrade through RaiseNow support. All Tamaro versions 2.7 will automatically be upgraded to the latest version specified here.

Tamaro v2.7.5

Release Date December 21 2023

This release provides bugfixes and other improvements. Request an update via RaiseNow support.

New config options

Added new config option updateFormDataOnRetryPayment.

Default value for updateFormDataOnRetryPayment is set to true.

After the payment is completed, the supporter is redirected to a Result Page, where "Make another donation" button is shown. Clicking this button leads to the redirect to the payment form view, where the form is prefilled with the data from the previous payment object. When config option updateFormDataOnRetryPayment is set to false, the form will not be prefilled with the data from the previous payment object.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the issue which prevented properties stored_screen_width, stored_screen_height and stored_timezone_offset to be added to payment object unless payment method net was chosen.
  • Fixed the issue which prevented subscription to be updated because minimum_custom_amount validation was wrongly applied.
  • Fixed the issue when placeholder property was not correctly passed to custom fields of select type.

Tamaro v2.7.4

Release Date November 23 2023

This release provides bugfixes and other improvements. Request an update via RaiseNow support.


  • Made chqr payment method only available when selected currency is CHF.
  • Updated the text on the result page – made it more generic.
  • Added states/regions for India.


Make markdown parsing stricter. Custom tags and attributes within Markdown fields is disallowed now.

The only allowed HTML tags are the following:

  • a
  • p
  • b
  • i
  • em
  • strong
  • br
  • ul
  • ol
  • li
  • h[1-6]
  • hr,
  • img
  • blockquote
  • pre
  • code
  • div
  • span

The only allowed HTML attributes are the following:

  • href
  • src
  • target
  • alt
  • rel

Tamaro v2.7.3

Release Date October 19 2023

This release provides bugfixes and other improvements. Request an update via RaiseNow support.


Added an ability to specify custom purpose text. If purpose_text field is present in, then it's added:

  • as stored_rnw_purpose_text to EPP payment object
  • as custom_parameters.rnw_purpose_text to EPMS payment object

The purpose, selected by supporter in the form, is ignored in this case.

This enables some additional customisation possibilities.

To show the purpose on the result page we previously used stored_rnw_purpose_id and custom_parameters.rnw_purpose_id fields and applied current translations. Now the value is taken directly from stored_rnw_purpose_text and custom_parameters.rnw_purpose_text.

Internal Changes

The following localStorage entries are renamed:

  • rnw_user_id to rnw_tamaro_user_id
  • rnw_ab_test_variant to rnw_tamaro_ab_test_variant

The following sessionStorage entries are renamed:

  • rnw_session_id to rnw_tamaro_session_id
  • tamaro-cache-data-<configName> to rnw_tamaro_payment_form_data_cache_<configName>