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Fundraising Kit for Salesforce NPSP v1.39 - Backend Upgrades v1.20.x

Release Date June 27 2024
About this update

This update requires an update to the RaiseNow FundraisingKit for NPSP (managed package) as well as our backend service. Due to the removal of named credentials from the process (see below), it is important to coordinate this deployment. Please schedule a session for the update with our Customer Success Team. An unscheduled upgrade of the RaiseNow FundraisingKit will result in updates from Salesforce that cannot be propagated to RaiseNow.

Get ready for community fundraising with Koalect

By providing support for Tamaro in the Koalect platform it is already possible to receive payments from community fundraising in Salesforce via the RaiseNow integration.

This release provides two new fields to transfer donation meta data to Salesforce, provided with payments received through the Koalect platform.

  • Opportunity.RaiseNow__Attachment__c
  • npe03__Recurring_Donation__c.RaiseNow__Attachment__c

Support RaiseNow generated tax receipts

Links to RaiseNow generated tax receipts will now be passed to Salesforce in two fields.

  • Opportunity.RaiseNow__DonationReceiptDirectAccess__c: Use this to check the donation receipt generated directly in Salesforce.
  • Opportunity.RaiseNow__DonationReceiptProtectedAccess__c: Use this when communicating with the donor through Email or other channels. Users will need to provide details (first name, last name,zip code) provided with the donation to access the donation receipt.

Remove need for "Named Credentials" during setup

Various actions triggered within Salesforce must be propagated to RaiseNow. For example, if you change the instalment schedule in a recurring donation, that change must be reflected on the corresponding subscription in RaiseNow. To ensure only authorized users/applications can trigger such a change, authentication details for RaiseNow had to be configured in Salesforce in "Named Credentials". This frequently caused problems when users entered false authentication credentials. This release introduces a change that automatically sets authentication details in a protected object inside Salesforce, removing the need for manual configuration. The approach was validated with the Salesforce security team.

When you upgrade/install the managed package, you will have to approve a notification from Salesforce regrading third party access.


Add reversal value date to RaiseNow reversal event

The event RaiseNow__Reversal_Succeeded__e now contains an additional field for the value date of the reversal. Example:

"RaiseNow__Reversal_Identifier__c": "9a5fa291-6cf1-48f7-9842-a41de67db92e",
"RaiseNow__Reversal_Reason__c": "Some Reason",
"RaiseNow__Reversed_Payment_Identifier__c": "4ee93f62-c228-475b-bf82-9852b5df2f19",
"RaiseNow__Provider_Reversal_Identifier__c": "provideid9852b5df2f19",
"RaiseNow__Reversed_Payment_Value_Date__c": "2024-06-27"

Dedicated fields for reversals on the transaction objects

Two new fields on the RaiseNow__Transaction__c object were introduced to provide information about reversals. These fields are used if a reconciliation report provides reversal information about the specific transaction.

  • RaiseNow__Transaction__c.RaiseNow__Reversal_Report__c
  • RaiseNow__Transaction__c.RaiseNow__Reversal_Report_Identifier__c

Provide additional fields in .csv import for direct marketing campaigns

The following fields were added to the existing fields in the .csv export generated for direct marketing campaigns:

  • FirstName
  • LastName
  • ContactID
  • RaiseNow__Language__c

These new fields are provided in addition to the existing fields (for example "Full Name").

Support for suspending a subscription from RaiseNow

It has long been possible to lapse or pause recurring donations in Salesforce. This release provides support for initiating a suspension of a subscription from the RaiseNow side. The corresponding recurring donation will be lapsed.

Further bugfixes and smaller improvements:

  • Set hardCopyRecordId for pledges generated in RaiseNow Manager from stored_base_record_number for RaiseNow__Direct_Debit_Mandate__c in Salesforce. This change was backported to earlier releases: v1.18.15 & v1.19.6
  • Catch false positive reports on transaction cancel errors in business process monitor
  • Fix a problem with a missing RaiseNow__ prefix in the bulk importer.